This article will guide you on how to solve Clamd download error if you come across such error from your daily cron job report:

ERROR: getpatch: Can’t download daily-10336.cdiff from

Here are the possible solutions on how to solve Clamd download error

1) Navigate to cd /usr/share/clamav/
Remove or Move the three database files.

rm daily.cvd
rm main.cld
rm mirrors.dat

Run the clam updates
Type “freshclam”

Restart clam daemon
Type “/scripts/restartsrv_clamd”

If the report shows outdated database, you can run “freshclam” again to update and perform another restart.

2) Login to WHM, click on “Manage Plugins”

Click on “Uninstall clamavconnector”
Once the uninstall is done, navigate back to “Manage Plugins” and install again.

If you need assistance or have any further enquiries, feel free to contact our support team.

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