How do I make my website load faster?

Here are some ways you can speed up your website loading

1) If your website is dynamically generated, you can locate cache plugins to generate static cache website for you

One good example is wordpress, you can consider wp-supercache

2) Enable gzipped, some recognize it as Mod_deflate, what this does is to compress all the output of your website html content into a compressed version and transmit to your visitor faster

3) Optimise your images smaller in size so that the images will not take too long to load

Troubleshooting tips:

To determine how fast your website load, you can load your website on any browser, then select “save page as” to your desktop, and check the directory of your saved website. A good size for fast loading is anything less than 1MB.

If you need assistance or have any further enquiries, feel free to contact our support team.

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